YFriday, August 25, 2006
Blood Trails..
Blood Trails...
Hurt myself this afternoon while on my way back from running errands..
The day began rather slowly, took my time.. Watch the morning news (till I was damn bored coz my desktop still cant run =S BLOODY ATI card..)
After sayin' a few stuff online, I went to Alkaff Mosque with Hasbee (coz he lives arnd e area too)..
Then I went to Guardian Pharmacy to buy some toiletries which I need..
On e way back, I walked up e escalator, oblivious to the fact tt I'm wearing sandals.
I tripped..
Skinned my feet (4 diff. areas..)
By the time I reached the top of the escalator, then the pain began to set in..
I had to slowly & painfully drag walk back home. (which usually took less than 5 mins la.)
By the time I reached my hse(thank God I live on e 1st floor..), I took my right feet out of my sandals, blood already formed a puddle.. I was like wad the...
Walked to the bath room to wash e blood away (leaving bloody footprints arnd the hse.. =S)
It's been 5 hrs and the blood's still flowing through my 2nd set of bandages..
Well, at least I can still walk though..
Haiz.. First, my desktop,
then, misunderstandingSSSSS with my brudder n dear (which luckily cleared oredi)
followed by, TONS of HW..
Hmm.. If I'm lucky, bro will buy new graphics card tmr.. At least that will lessen my troubles =P .. hahaz..
YMonday, August 21, 2006
Trickery & Deceit
Trickery & Deceit
Never, ever, buy ATI's 1600Pro graphics card sia
Poor performance, overpriced & e worst of all...
Damn short life span!!!
For $242, it only lasted less than 3, THREE MONTHS!!!
My old Nvidia 4200 Ti lasted for more than 2 yrs (and counting, coz it wasn't spoiled, I upgraded it with e worthless 1600Pro...)
My money is forever on Nvidia products la...
My "New" graphics card.. Completely worthless now...
And what really pissed me off is that for such a BIG heatsink, together with an OPEN CPU (coz my shoebox SLIX gets warm damn fast with e cover on), it can still melt...
The part which had some kind of liquid oozing out.. Thus, shorting e circuit.. And there goes $242....
For such a large sum of money compiled with "good" reviews for ATI products, I thought that buying e card would be a loooonnnggg term investment.. 3 months izint tt long though.. =S
YSunday, August 20, 2006
Coming Days
Coming Days
It's been a tough week..
Had my downs mostly..
To the extent that I didnt feel the pain whilst carrying the stuff around on wednesday..
Haiz.. Nvr have I experienced sooo much rage which made my blood boil
After that day, I spent the following 2 days at home,
Partly recovering from the pain
Partly contemplating on what will happen
The coming days will never be the same again
Everyone will start to shed their skins
Showing the real colours underneath
Finally I can see what I am dealing with
Hypocrites need not fear
For I know who you are
No longer will your words bear the same weight upon my ears
No longer will your schemes be fulfilled
For my rage knows no bounds,
But as long as my will stands,
The hypocrites have to worry naught
Like I have said, so I will say again,
The coming days will never be the same again...
YWednesday, August 16, 2006
Boiling Point (of blood)
Boiling Point (of blood)
Juz came home from a looooooong debriefing..
Since I'm too tired(& partly pissed) I shall explain the bad part of my day:
It all began e instant Bigboi came inside to "lecture" us abt e room...
From the beginning all the way to the end, I knew it was GP skills and that we were getting pwned...
I knew I could easily rebutt everything tt was said by Bigboi jux now, but I didn't.. Why u ask?
Well, partly coz I noe (be it thru plain suspicions or their actions) some ppl might not share e same views as I do..
Not only that, it's also a matter of being tactful.. (wut u said brudder was CORRECT, 100% CORRECT..)
Coz FACE IT... We are in SINGAPORE.. Being surrounded by SINGAPOREANS.. whom mostly excel at the art of single-mindedness or simply, "kiasu-ism"... (I'll admit, me not speaking out is such an example.. but their plenty others who are worse..)
What they did is not only insulting.. It was REVOLTING..
It's like giving us sweets for gold..
After what happened today, my perception changed..
No longer will am I willing to serve..
But I'll serve because I have to...
I pray for a better day tmr so I can post the GOOD that happened today..
YTuesday, August 15, 2006
Point Of Conflict
Point Of Conflict
Whoa.. Stressed MAN... As in REAL stress.. 'specially with wut happened today..
Can't believe tt we've been belittled jus like THAT..
For what do THEY need us anyway for?!?!
When we have no say over what is ours...
Pissed man...
And I haf Bio SPA tmr la.. This is sooooo gonna cost to me...
Wtf man...
YSunday, August 13, 2006
Life's a mess
Life's a mess
My life's a bleedin' mess..
Feel like I'm running a masquerade in my life...
"yes sir, no sir, yes ma'am, no ma'am"
Work load front, back, centre, left, right.....
All of my actions seemed like there's no meaning to it
Life now is full of meaningless routines
As each day passes, I feel as if all I did was nth
Futility, insignificance, irrelevance fills my day-to-day activities
I can bear it no more...
Searching for the reality of life I once knew..
Obstacles, barriers lies in that path
Of which I knew not of how to overcome.. yet...
Life is a mess...
YSaturday, August 12, 2006
When Old Frenz Meet
When Old Frenz Meet
Went out with my old SA brudders today.. Met them at PS.. Had BK for lunch while JH, Taklung & I w8ted for Tong liang to show up.. Then, proceded to S'pore Shopping Centre for pool.. Since it's been like months since we all saw one another, we talked ALOT of crap while we played.. Ended up playing for arnd 2+++ hrs..
YS joined us an hour after we started la.. Turned out he came frm the NLB book sale at Expo.. To top it off, he spent the whole nite awake coz he had Band Dinner the nite b4... I'm surprised tt he can still play quite well after all those stuff la.. Summore he told us he drank like: 3 shots of tequila, one bottle of chardenay, one bottle of vodka & some more other stuff which I 4got... The fact tt he's not online tonite means he's still sleeping since 4 today...
For the pool game itself, it went rather badly on my part.. I cant seem to hit at an angle these dayz.. Whenever I try to, the target ball will go diff direction.. Am so losing my physics principles.. =S
Oso, it seems tt JH improved alot on his skills la.. Wth.. He like totally pwned EVERY game... Or maybe it's coz I was too distracted on some other matter.. =P
After the game, we went back to PS for lunch @ Mos Burger.. didnt had any coz I was full.. Instead bought myself a Grande Iced Vanilla Latte frm Starbucks and I was like "WTH!!!!"... Coz I realised tt Starbucks cup size SUCKS to the core man.. I bought a tall Iced Vanilla Latte and the size difference is like negligible la.. WTH... Haiz..
At Mos burger, YS like starting to "die" oredi la.. He stone worse than benny stone during lecture.. not to mention FASTER oso.. it was like e instant we chose our seat and sat down, he was oredi like STARING at the table.. then slowly go to slp.. all in less than a minute.. hahaz...
Went straight back home wif every1 minus JH(coz he got class outing to attend)..
Went home and I kinda thought bout stuff.. Haiz..
To put it simply, I have to be patient la, maybe work will occupy me.. maybe my games(which probably wont since my desktop is like at e end of its dayz..)
Was listenin to some songs and these lyrics here made e most sense to me rite now..
Where'd you go?
I miss you so
Seems like it's been forever
since you've been gone
Where'd you go?
I miss you so
Seems like it's been forever
since you've been gone
Excerpt frm Where'd you go? by Fort Minor
YThursday, August 10, 2006
Pix Frm SoM
Pix Frm Sands of Mission
Here's e pix I promised u all from Sands Of Mission..
Pix frm recce on Monday 7/8/06:
On the way to ECP. My Student Organisers, Zhi sheng asleep, Delon too shy...
..JonChan try look dao & Jer readin attendance list
Brudder look blur.. I think coz he saw socks somewhere arnd the bus..
Unfinished Centre piece for SoM
Since the logistics truck haven't arrived yet, my SOs haf a fun time enjoying e view, e sea breeze & e sand..
Delon, JonChan, Jer & ZhiSheng "destroying" one of e sandcastles which were supposed to act as a vertex for e walls of sandcastles the next day..
One of the "vertex" sandcastles.. I think they were built by the CCCs..
Another one of the 'vertex' sandcastles
ZhiSheng celebrating after putting up e 4 flagpoles.. This was after e tedious logistics check was carried out & all e materiel needed were unloaded...
But it turns out that we still haf MORE work to do.. Here, my logistics crew & I had to tie up e banners to the trees..
JonChan "desecrating" state colours by using them to clean his mouth.. LoL..
Zhanny & Jon Chan.. This was after e others had arrived.. Coz Logistics & CCC had to go to ECP earlier..
Joy, Shiping & XinYi..
Shi Ping, LiShan, Jamie & Hui Lin.. Well, at least we got SOME PR pix..
Clara & Shi Ping.. I noe.. alot of e pix haf ShiPing inside.. Well, it's coz I passed her my camera & she took most of e photos.. Thank U ShiPing!!
Shi Ping & I
The SoM banner.. Ms K ruining e banner by cutting holes to "reduce air resistance".. haiz..
OhhhKaayyy... We've finally reached the pix from the event itself. I shall post only those of worthy interest:
Such as Andrea looking BLUR SHOCKED!! hahaz.. & Lil'boi look sleepy.. Presenting the Broadrickcians..
THE SEA OF RED!!! SRJCians rockin' at ECP!!
Adrian, Andrew & I
BrudderJon, Andrea, Boony & I at Pavilion 2, where I was stationed for "guard duty"
Shi Ping & I.. PR ROX!!! WOOT!!
1S02's SANDfort...
1S02 hard at work.. Building the fort..
18thAndrew, ShiPing & I. Near e centre piece structure.. Juz b4 we came on TV..
"mummy" Angie, Ced & I.. Athens Family Councillor & Athens OGLs!! Athens ROX!
Shannon & I
Becky & I
I took this shot of the centrepiece b4 we left.. Haiz.. I'm soooo missing SoM...
There's plenty more pix la.. But I'm not uploading them coz it's either pix of sandcastles or pix of Shiping & some ppl.. I passed to her my cam again la... hahaz.. Thanx to Shiping again for e pix...
YWednesday, August 09, 2006
Post Sands Of Mission Blues
Post Sands Of Mission Blues
So TIRED... Spent like 2/3 of the day sleeping... Didnt feel like doing any work or anything.. Juz spent e whole day resting.. In case u feel like asking: where's the SoM photos??, I'll haf to procrastinate again (sry) coz I'm too shag... gonna slp again..
YTuesday, August 08, 2006
Sands Of Mission
Cents,Sense, Sands Of Mission
Today was THE DAY... D-day: 8/8/2006, H-Hour: 0615, Venue: East Coast Park (ECP)
Woke up arnd 4.50am just so I could slowly prepare myself b4 goin to ECP. Went out of my hse arnd 5.45, pillon ride on my dad's bike all the way from Potong Pasir to ECP... And wearing PE attire (e red polo + PE SHORTS) on a 70km/h ride b4 even e sun starts to rise was DAMN COLD..
Reach there around 615 on the dot..
Nth much to say really, 'cept tt gab couldn't come leaving me as e solo logistics officer.. =S
Pretty much run here, run there with ppl saying "where's my _________?" or rather, more like "I WANT ________ OVER HERE NOW!!!!"... =S...
But it went quite smoothly, coz thanx to e help from the Student volunteers Organisers!!
Took ALOT of pix.. Thanx Sheepz & Li min for taking those photos!! I'm sooo gonna post them on photobucket...
Ended arnd 11.30 (15 min earlier I think, coz we were ahead of schedule) and had a debrief..
I had planned earlier to go to PI wif Kenneth & Gab(who wasnt there), but I was toooooo shagged.. Maybe next time dude..
Btw, I'll post e pix tmr.. They are oredi on my photobucket acct. if u can't w8 to grab ur photos.. :P
YSaturday, August 05, 2006
Kola Tonicz Part Deux
Kola Tonicz Part Deux
Had a rather eventful day today... Began at 6.35 when I realised I woke up late (was supposed to wake up arnd 6.05)..
Took quite shower, performed morning prayers b4 chionging to skool coz of recce part II...
Reached SR at specified time of 0720 but turned out everyone was early... (wth)
Had briefing rgd N-day Celebrations @ East Coast but since I was lucky to be placed under Logistics IC means that I dun really have much to do...
So, I ended up playing sand with 1s02 volunteers and taking pix of my FUN day..
Note to Shi Ping & Brudder: Sry tt u all had a tough day, while my peeps were having fun.. Maybe it's u all unlucky.. Or maybe it's coz I'm lucky.. But eventually one day I'll haf to do a job juz as hard as wut u all did.. And Jia You!! W/out Marshals & Ushers, N-day cannot run wan..
To The Pix.. :
Dustin hard at work juz tired coz we all did the noticeboard ytd till damn late..
Hahaz.. I spotted this on the bus.. Rak Ass to Open.. Btw, my fren's bus even better la.. It say BREAK ass to open.. lol
Part of 'Narnia' thingy which the CCCs been making.. damn nice sia..
I dunnoe why I took a pix of this ship.. Looks kinda nice though
Jon Chan, Zhanny & Zhi Sheng.. This is e non-obsence pix.. the other 3 'soiled' by chan chan..
Chanchan, Me & Desmund.. Pose: Act gay.. =S
Pic ONE of THREE.. Zhanny, ced, zhisheng & chanchan NORMAL pose..
Pix TWO out of THREE... Chanchan prepares to FLY...
Pix THREE of THREE.. Chanchan FLIES... =S
Wasted shot.. We jumped but the cam only caught the pix when we landed..
Zhi sheng watching ships while chan chan explaining to desmund bout his "Tsunami Defense System A.k.A. Digging holes to prevent tsunami' =S
Chanchan thinks that by digging such holes around the beach he can stop a tsunami from destroying S'pore....
But REALITY seems to haf struck chanchan as even a MERE wave destroyed his 'Tsunami Defense System...Hahaz..
19th SC ROX!!! hahaz.. Logistics ICs carved tt...LoL..
SLC ppl... Slack oni sia... Tsk Tsk Tsk.. Hehe... Actualli, they all w8tin for simulators to go to the food points.. which turned out to be Gab & I...
After our recce/trial run, Shi Ping, Gab, Kenneth & I took 196 to Parkway Parade coz Ping & I gotta meet Becky & Justin for lunch..
The first thing we did when we got there was to.. BUY COFFEE... The Tall Vanilla Latte not enuff la.. I was still thirsty & stoning.. Ended up wif Shiping having to pass me her tall Mocha latte or smth... Still thirsty... Then re-joined with Gab & Kenneth at KFC where they makaning.. then they went off..
Met Becky at entrance & we realised we did BIG MISTAKE... Nvr tell justin to go home and change coz he'll confirm be late wan...
So we 3 had to w8 for Mr.Late to show up around an hour later...
We went to Fish & Co. where I ordered:
Swordfish Collar with Lemon-smth sauce & chips..
Quite nice but I finally drank smth I havent drank in 5 MONTHS!!!
But sian.. the staff there dunnoe how to make nice kola tonic like the Fish & Co. Glass House staff knows.. It was tooooooo sweet.. too much syrup than water.. Haiz..
One of these dayz muz really go back to Fish & Co. The Glass Hse to drink tt Kola Tonic again man.. (FYI, my profile LOL pix was AFTER I drank the kola tonic there.. but today like no effect.. :S)...
Anywayz, we all talked bout PR stuff.. It's smth like xtra induction la.. WOOT.. The 18th rox man...
After tt, I rushed off to take 31 to Toa Payoh Interchange.. but on the way.. I saw The bus stop sign got bus no. 853 which goes directly to my bus stop.. I was like gonna get off la.. but I missed it and ended up at a diff. bus stop with NO 853....
So, had to WALK back to the previous bus stop...
When I reached there.. I realised smth not rite.. The bus no. got write 853*...
SIANZ!!!! Turns out only got service ON SUNDAYS at that bus stop..
I was like wtf... Coz it's like I nvr been to tt part of S'pore b4 la.. Feel so weird coz Katong area there got like very few HDB.. But ALOT of private housing... Feel so un-s'pore liddat sia.. lol..
Ended up reaching hm arnd 7.10pm... hahaz...
YFriday, August 04, 2006
Eternal Pain
Eternal bliss Pain
Damn sian... Throughout this whole week, all I can feel is *THAT* very sharp pain on my back (FYI, it hasnt been like tt since 2 yrs ago..)
So, I didnt go to school on monday & today..
Btw, Alot of stuff happened during the week..
If u wanna see juz go 2 photobucket and search for "Mrtoot222" 's album...
Nitex ppl..
I'll post more tmr or smth...